OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\STOPW104.OPL StopW.ODB \OPD\ GSTART& GPREVS& GINIT& GELAPS& GDESC$ GTIMEID% GDESCID% GSLEEP% GETDETS% STIME$ ETIME$ CHECKOFF RESTART EDITDESC ABOUT + (no desc) +%A 'Chocolate Island Software' program + Stopwatch Event: Started at + Elapsed : + Lap time: stopwdat Timer LapOL+ AboutOA+ ExitOX Reset+ Zero clockOZ+ Kill eventOK Event+ Edit descriptionOD OL@[/ Not running OS@[; Start OZ@[% Not stopped OK@[g Delete event and Exit?( NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[ Not stopped OX@[ STIME$ GINIT& GSTART& GDESCID% GTIMEID% ElapsedO( StartedO GPREVS& GELAPS& StoppedO( StoppedO ETIME$ GELAPS& GPREVS& GSTART& ZeroedO( ZeroedO O<{Ux N@RNz START% GSTART& GINIT& GPREVS& GDESC$ Loading detailsO TIME& DESC$ TIME&! DESC$# EDITDESC GPREVS& GINIT& GSTART& + Stopwatch Press EnterO to startO Clock startedO GSTART& GDESC$ TIME& DESC$ TIME&% DESC$' SavedO GDESC$ GDESCID% GTIMEID% Description EventO GSLEEP% Display pausedO Press EnterO +$StopW - a battery friendly stopwatch( +%A 'Chocolate Island Software' programO Rick Andrews 1992KO Version + 1.04K+ - Dated 4 April 93KO This program is freeware.O +#If you have any comments about it, O please write to me :-O Rick Andrews, 164 Castle Hill,( Reading, England RG1 7RP( Share and Enjoy!O Help: StopW( +&This battery friendly stopwatch stores +(event details on the default disk so the +"Series3 can be switched off whilst timing long duration events. Help continued... StopW( +$-S Start/Stop. Runs/stops the clock.K -L Lap. Shows the lap time.K + -Z Zero. Resets a stopped clock.K +!-K Kill. Deletes a stopped event.K +$-D Desc. Edit the event description.K Use `Menu' for more commands.O STOPW RESTART8 ZEROj STIME$ ETIME$ HMS$y GETDETS% START% SAVE= EDITDESC CHECKOFF ABOUTz